Hurry, don't miss out on this amazing deal! Use promo code Promoclass to join our fitness studio and enjoy your first group class for only $10. That is 60% off! Subsequent classes start at $20, depending on the package you choose. Our experienced instructors and supportive classmates will keep you motivated and committed to your fitness goals. But act fast, this offer won't last forever. Sign up now before it's too late!
Expert Trainers Focused on Your Health
Accountability & Determination
Supportive Community
Best Customer Service
All of our trainers specialize in corrective exercises, which means they focus on improving your form and technique, reducing the risk of injury, and enhancing your performance.
As a small, owner-operated business, we provide an authentic experience. Our tight-knit relationships foster true accountability and determination.
Our goal is to help you succeed. Through challenging and engaging sessions, we push you to achieve new levels of fitness that you might not otherwise reach.
We provide first-class service, offering expert guidance and support throughout your entire fitness journey.
Finally, the most common compliment we receive about our gym is the energy. Hector and the other trainers exude a contagious energy that makes you feel happy and excited. We are more than just a gym; we are a family.
"We are more than just a fitness studio. We are a family."
我在 Red City Fitness 有过最好的体验,希望我能早点找到它。我是这个城市和赫克托的新手,这个社区非常热情。我在这里艰难地度过了我的第一节课——我太不适应了!但从那时起,我已经走了很长一段路,感谢 Hector 和其他与我一起训练过的人!我参加过个人培训课程和小组课程,并且都喜欢。他们甚至同意在我公寓楼的健身房安排一些课程——这表明这个团队是多么专注于帮助客户!我喜欢这里的活力和氛围。 10/10 肯定会推荐给任何想要提高体力的人。还有一群很棒的人要见面!
我于 2021 年 1 月加入了 Red City Fitness,希望我能减掉一些额外的体重。我不是在寻找超级肌肉发达的身体或膨胀或类似的东西。我从我的教练 Hector Plaza 开始,他是一位善良、风趣的绅士,他会尽全力帮助他的客户实现他们的目标。喜欢他在训练场上的活力。健身房拥有锻炼所需的一切。您会发现许多大型健身房配备了数不清的设备,但您不会像 Hector 和他在 Red City Fitness 的团队那样从教练那里得到同样程度的承诺和关注。
当我在 2021 年初回到这里时,我的体重超过 200 磅,并在 6 个月内下降到 173 磅。令我惊讶的是,我获得了大量的肌肉,这甚至不是我的目标。我对自己的进步感到非常高兴。我很幸运找到了 Red City Fitness。对我来说这是一个五星级的健身房。
Red City Fitness 是我所说的“隐藏的宝石”。它没有其他健身房难以激发动力的缺点——它是一个美丽的空间,隐藏在奥尔斯顿的 Mass Pike 中。它从不拥挤。空间一尘不染,井井有条,总体氛围令人难以置信的乐观和积极。设备覆盖了所有基地,然后是一些基地,而且几乎都是全新的。停车免费且方便。我一直期待着锻炼,Hector 和 Rene 是很棒的教练。我很高兴我找到了这个地方,它让塑身变得很有趣!